Dear Moms, Stay In Your Lane

Having the ability to nurture and carry another human being around with you for nine months is, in a nutshell, AMAZING! The process of bringing that human being into the world, NOT SO AMAZING! I’ve digressed already. 🙂 For many of us who have shared the pregnancy and childbirth experience, we tend to feel aContinue reading “Dear Moms, Stay In Your Lane”

Mommy vs. Feminist/Activist

For those of you that did not get to read it, I decided to share my last column in the Bertie-Ledger. Let me know your thoughts! A couple of years ago, I selfishly refused to understand a mother’s view when she explained that she had little to no concern about her African-American son making aContinue reading “Mommy vs. Feminist/Activist”

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